
Rabu, 18 Februari 2015

Biography Of Joko Widodo

Joko Widodo or familiarly called Jokowi already familiar to us. Political figures who came from Indonesia is growing rapidly because of the prestige of his career and populist leadership style. Personality and exciting achievements when he served as mayor of Surakarta and Jakarta governor. Joko Widodo or Jokowi was elected president for the period 2014-2019 were elected directly by the people (democracy). Joko Widodo win over his political rivals that Prabowo. Joko Widodo was the winner of the presidential election was carried by his political party is “PDI PERJUANGAN”.

Biography of Joko Widodo (Jokowi)

Ir. H. Joko Widodo was born on June 21, 1961 is derived from the Indonesian politician who is now (October 2014) served as the President of Indonesia. Jokowi served as mayor of Surakarta(Solo) during the two periods 2005-2009 and 2010-2015, and was nominated to be guberjur Joko Widodo Jakarta in 2012. His success and achievements in leading Surakarta make Jokowi hascredibility and quality to lead Jakarta. Jokowi and his deputy Basuki Purnama Cahya (Ahok)outperformed Fauzi Bowo in Jakarta governor election and make it as governor in the period 2012-2017. Not long after that Joko Widodo (Jokowi) nominated by a political party to becomethe President of Indonesia from 2014 to 2019.
Youth and Education Joko Widodo
Jokowi was born in Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia, from couples and Sujiatmi NotomiharjoMihardjo Noto. Jokowi Education starts from 111 Tirtoyoso Elementary School. With a simple family conditions, Jokowi must trade, rent an umbrella when it rains and a coolie to financeschool supplies. After graduation, Jokowi continued his education to SMP Negeri 1 Surakarta andthen proceed to the SMA Negeri 6 Surakarta. Joko Widodo also go on to college is the University of Gajah Mada (UGM) with a major in forestry science. Studies on the structure of the wood, and the use of technology gained from college into Jokowi capital to open a business furniture.Business Furniture is growing rapidly, and make it as a furniture entrepreneur widely known inEurope. From his friendship with the French named Micl Romaknan nickname Jokowi” embeddedin him.
Political Career Joko Widodo
In 2005, Joko Widodo ran for mayor of Surakarta. After years of work, success leads JokowiSurakarta into a developed city, beautiful, and cultured. The things accomplished since served asmayor of Surakarta is:
·         Build a new traditional markets.
·         Build a 7-km city walk with a 3m wide pedestrian walkway along the main street of Surakarta.
·         Revitalization and garden Balekambang Sriwedari.
·         Strict regulations on felling trees along the main streets of the city.
·         Rebranding Surakarta as the center of Javanese culture and tourism under the tagline TheSpirit of Java“.
·         Promote the city as a center for meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions (MICE).
·         Blusukan culture, the way in which Jokowi impromptu visits to certain areas to hear directlyfrom the people their needs and criticisms.
·         Prohibits family members from bidding for city projects.
·         Health insurance program for all residents.
·         Public transport in the form of double-decker bus.
·         Solo Techno Park, which helped support the project Esemka Indonesia.
To solve all existing problems in Jakarta, Jakarta Governor Jokowi as do some new breakthroughthat can be said to benefit and make the people prosperous. Some policies issued by Jokowi. For the problem of traffic jam, Jokowi create policies to accelerate the development of masstransportation facilities such as MRT and monorail and multiply TransJakarta fleet. For the problem of flood, Jokowi also moved quickly to relocate the flood catchment areas and renew and increase parks and urban forests. Jokowi also issued Jakarta Health Card (KJS) and Jakarta SmartCard (KJP). As in Surakarta, Jokowi also intends to make Jakarta as a city of festivals. A total of 97festivals held during the year 2013 in Jakarta, including Jakarta Night Festival, the Feast of the people, Pekan Raya Jakarta (PRJ) and others.
Appreciation Joko Widodo
Several awards and honors for his leadership of the Jokowi acquired, including:
·         2008: Jokowi registered by Tempo magazine as one of the Top 10 Indonesian Mayor 2008″.
·         2011: He was awarded the Star Services by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
·         2012: Jokowi received the 3rd place award Mayor Se-World to Change a crime-ridden city into a regional center for arts and culture and cities of interest to tourists. He is listed as one of“The Leading Global Thinkers of 2013 in Foreign Policy (magazine). In February 2013 he was nominated as mayor that month globally by The City Mayors Foundation, based in London.
·         2014: Jokowi of Fortune (magazine) as one of the 50 greatest Leaders in the World.

A few reviews about the biography of Joko Widodo (Jokowi) that we can say. The conclusion of ourJokowi is a leader who is very missed and loved by the people of Indonesia, because leadership isvery supportive people.

Profile of Joko Widodo
Name : Ir. H. Joko Widodo
Alias Name : Jokowi
Religion : Islam
Place of Birth : Surakarta, Central Java
Date of Birth : Wednesday, 21 June 1961
Zodiac : Gemini
Hobby :  Traveling
Nationality : Indonesia
Political Party : Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDI-PERJUANGAN)
Wife : Ny. Hj. Iriana Joko Widodo
Child: Gibran Rakabuming Raka – Kahiyang Ayu – Kaesang Pangarep

Twitter : @jokowi_do2